Monday, October 22, 2007


Jason went with CJ and his preschool today to a field trip to a nearby pumpkin patch.

They saw lots of animals...

and a WHOLE bunch of pumpkins...

They got to ride on a hay ride and pretend to drive a tractor...

They got lost (and found!) in a MAZE...

AND (Best of all)

They got to see the PUMPKIN CANNON! (truly thrilling)

Even better, the day was CLEAR! The sun was SHINING! What more can you ask from a Fall day at the farm?

Friday, October 19, 2007

A bad day for not having gutters...

We've had a big storm making its presence felt here with hail, high-speed winds, and a whole lot of rain. All without gutters on the house.


CJ refers to the hail as "hay", which makes for hours of amusement!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

House update

Jay and Jordan finished siding the back of the house this weekend. Now most of the siding is up, and the primary work that's left is caulking and painting trim.

Friday, October 12, 2007

All we do around here is WORK!

Meanwhile, Jenny's vacuuming...

Sunday, October 7, 2007

How to make chocolate chip muffins

Grandpa Ed makes the best chocolate chip muffins. They're CJ's FAVORITE... when grandpa's chocolate chip muffins are in the house, that's all that CJ eats, breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Fortunately, CJ knows just how to make them...

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Montana pictures

Last weekend, CJ and I joined mom, dad, and Maureen on a trip to Plentywood, MT for grandma's funeral.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Updated house pics

Finally Friday!

Jordan is off to Las Vegas...

The front of the house is sided...

We're 3/4 of the way there!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Behind the scenes

It's official; CJ takes more exciting pictures than me.

Here's an exclusive behind the scenes look that only a 4-year old can capture.

Jason leaves for work at 7am, rushes home at 4 and works till dark. Yet he still smiles. How does he do it?

SOMEBODY'S overtired...

An action shot.

who needs a guard dog when you have Big Jordie?

Hands, grasping hands, reaching out, grasping tools...

Slowly, our house is turning blue (and that's a GOOD thing)!

Monday, October 1, 2007

In-laws, ya gotta love 'em

Whew! What a weekend!

CJ and I returned last night from our whirlwind MT trip to a sparkly clean house (thanks, Kathie!) and excellent progress on the siding (thanks, Joel, Lavern & Jordie!)

In-laws, ya gotta love em.