Sunday, April 20, 2008

Stuff we'll blackmail him with some day

(the white flakes in his hair? That's hail.)

Crazy weather

If you're reading this in email or an RSS feed, you'll have to click here to view the video.

This weekend we've had snow, hail, more hail, even bigger hail, snow, and rain.

Crazy weather, to be precise.

Enough with the funny business. We're ready for spring!

Well, all except for CJ, who delights in going out in the freezing cold in his underwear to gather hail in a little plastic cup, and then eating it with smacking lips because it "tastes like icecream!"

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The troll

H&M just spent a few days with us.

They said their auntie is a TROLL.

I can't imagine what they were talking about.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Monday, April 7, 2008

This is new

Hunter and Miranda are staying with us for a few days during their spring break, which has made for much entertainment. Today over breakfast they had THIS conversation:

Hunter: Mmmm these pancakes are yummy!

Miranda: I think the eggs are even yummier!

Hunter: Jenny is the BEST cook.

Miranda: No, GRANDMA is!

Hunter: Jenny!

Miranda: Grandma!

Hunter: Jenny!

Miranda: Grandma!

... (you get the idea)