Monday, July 28, 2008

Look what we made!

CJ and I spent the afternoon at Richmond Beach, where we made a shelter for crabs.

Personally, I think it's pretty awesome.

Saturday, July 26, 2008


CJ is getting more and more comfortable on his bike. This morning we took him on the dirt bumps on the other side of the lake. FUN! Plus now he has scrapes like a REAL biker...!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Mi familia

A crab story

First there was the boat.

Then a pot...

The two men and the little boy got in the boat with the pot and rowed out to sea... where they left the pot...

And then there was the crab who crawled into the pot. The very big crab who was TRAPPED by the two men and the boy.

The very big and tasty crab.

The people ate the very big and tasty crab and they were happy. The end.

Well... not quite the end. Because THE NEXT DAY...


The people feasted and life was good.

The end.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The view from here...

We are having a wonderful time on Whidbey Island.

Check out the killer view from our house...

And a bald eagle sighting...

Lots of fishing, but not so much fish...

Grandpa Ed catches a snake!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Independence Day

We had an awesome 4th of July with Grandma & Grandpa B in Bellingham...