Sunday, August 31, 2008


A few weeks ago, Jay took an entire week off work to take a figure painting class. WHICH, it turns out, is short for hanging out with nudies.

I'm just saying.

Fortunately, his final masterpiece was more top, less bottom.

Check it out.

Labor Day Weekend

It's not over yet, but so far we're fans.

we started off with tide pools at Carkeek Park...

...followed by biking and barbecue (tuna! fresh crab!) at Magneson Park (never mind the BITTER COLD wind... it's summer, doggoneit!!)

On Wednesday CJ starts kindergarten


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

If you don't actually win, does that make you a loser?

Last week CJ and I met Maureen and Steve in Fremont for the Outdoor Movie night to see The Iron Giant. What could be more fun than sitting outside, eating treats, and watching a movie projected onto the side of the building long after you SHOULD be in bed?

CJ and I *almost* won the photo contest for our picture with the big red robot. We were in the top 5 finalists!

Maureen and Steve *almost* won the robot dance-off. I'm taking bids if you want me to put the video of their cool moves on the internet.

They would have won, if the other guy hadn't been named "Purple." Totally no fair.

Friday, August 22, 2008


Today CJ and I took the ferry to Bainbridge Island where we met up with some friends and headed to the local county fair.

It was a good time had by all.




What's not to love?

Finally, just in case anyone DARES to think that we don't live in the most beautiful place in all the land.

It may rain a lot, but it sure is purty!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Note to self

Next time you go on vacation to Olympic National RAIN forest, don't expect it to be sunny.