Saturday, October 25, 2008

A robot ate CJ!

Sunday, October 12, 2008


This weekend we took the train down to mom and dad's for mom's birthday.  On Friday we went to the local pumpkin patch and had a grand old time feeding the animals and searching for the perfect pumpkin.

funny pumpkin... funny face....

nana and CJ...

this is how they get the kernels off the cob...

In other news, I am teaching two graduate classes at the UW, and so far haven't been kicked off campus.  Which is a HUGE relief.

Here's hoping the rest of the quarter goes so well!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Leaf Monster

His presence has never before been confirmed.  He's the stuff of legends, of rumors, of whispered tales and innermost imaginations.

Until today.  Be the first to view the first TOTALLY REAL and NOT AT ALL ALTERED video sighting of this not-so-mythical-afterall creature.

(If you're reading this in email or RSS, you'll have to click here to see the video)

Roll over Bigfoot, there's a new beast in town.


Fall Frolic

If you scroll down real fast and squint your eyes, it's almost like watching a movie.