Saturday, March 28, 2009

She likes to move it move it

Bella after her bath tonight...

(you might have to click through to see the video. It's worth it.)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

5YO Fashion

We were shopping at Target when CJ got a wild hair to pick out a new outfit.

A very COOL new outfit.  Witness:

And HERE is the final version, which he proudly sported to school the following day.

(the pose is ALL CJ)

Sunday, March 1, 2009


My other blog, Absolutely Bananas, was selected out of 500 nominations as a finalist in the Scholastic Parent & Child mom blog awards.  

The five winners (as selected by voting) will be featured in Parent & Child magazine.  

If you have a second, please head over and vote for me.  You can only vote once (per computer or browser) before March 13th.
