Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Bike riding 101

On Sunday CJ announces that he is ready to take the training wheels off his bike.

Sure he is ready... but what about ME?

It seems that my opinion doesn't count. Jay takes the training wheels off, and we head to our local school for CJ's first lesson.

Amazingly enough CJ survives. His bike, on the other hand, takes quite a beating.

Warning: This video contains violence that may be unsuitable for not really anyone. A bike was harmed in the making of this movie (but it deserved it).

(click here to see the video if you're reading this in email or RSS)

Jay says that CJ has two things working against him in his quest for training-wheel-free ridership.

First, he doesn't want help.

Second, he doesn't want to have to learn.

(sounds a lot like his mother, to be honest)

Still, within the hour he is riding like a pro. Or at least like a boy who has just learned to ride his bike.

He's growing up.

And I've got a stomachache.

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