Thursday, June 26, 2008

Soccer camp

Saturday, June 21, 2008


Sunday, June 15, 2008

Birthday weekend

CJ is 5! My oh my how time does fly.

Friday night Joel & Cheryl and the kids drove down to spend the night. We put all the kids in CJ's room and were really surprised that they had a hard time going to sleep. I can't imagine why...

Saturday was CJ's party. We held it at a local pool (indoors, since apparently THERE IS NO SUCH THING as summer here in Seattle).

The kids enjoyed fun games like "hit your friend with balloons" and "stuff your face with cake" followed by an hour of swimming.

Then home to pass out.

It's a good thing these events happen only once a year. I need the other 364 days to recover.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Patience, grasshopper

Tomorrow is CJ's birthday... which means tonight he is having a reeeeeeally hard time going to sleep.

He tiptoes out to meet my withering glare.

"CJ, you MUST stay in bed!" I admonish.

"Mommy!" he says with urgency, "I already went to sleep TWO TIMES!" he pauses, then adds, "is it the morning?"

Oh, the wishful thinking.

Five will come soon enough, CJ. Too soon, if you ask me.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Cell phones

An artistic genius! Straight from my loins!

When he brought me the first painting, I was sure that Jay must have done it.

But (for once) I was wrong.

"My child is BRILLIANT!" I cried, "A true genius!"

(surely I'm the first mother to think this?)


"Black widow spider"

Alternative title: "Make mommy CRAZY"

Genius, maybe.

Cheeky? FOR SURE.