Sunday, December 14, 2008

2008 Year in Review

We've had a great year and WOW has it flown by!  Here's our annual update, in a nutshell...
  • Camden started kindergarten.  He goes to school all day, five days a week at our nearby elementary school.  His favorite thing at school is RECESS but he's not a huge fan of homework.  He learned to ride his bike without training wheels this spring and continues to enjoy playing soccer and "scientisting".  He has lots of friends and even more energy. We've enjoyed getting to know a lot of neighborhood families through our school.
  • Jason is still working at Corbis as Sr. Manager User Experience.  It continues to be an interesting ride.  We're thankful for the pay check. He enjoyed getting back into painting at a week-long figure painting class through Gage Institute.
  • Jenny taught two graduate classes at the UW this fall in Usability Testing.  It was fun and a lot of work.  Mainly she enjoyed having a reason to shower and pretend to know something.  She just accepted a consulting gig teaching usability seminars for an company called HFI, which will let her do some occasional travel and bring in some extra money.  Hello, Nordstrom, I've MISSED you! (heh)
  • We added a dog to our family... Bella is a 9-month old soft-coated wheaten terrier.  She's a sweetie!
  • We finally finished re-siding the house with the help of Jason's brother Jordan.  It looks great and Jason is oh-so-very glad to be done with standing on ladders.
  • We are eagerly awaiting the arrival of our new nephew.  Maureen is due in just a couple of weeks and so far healthy as a horse.  We can't wait to meet the baby!
  • Highlights of the year include a week on Whidbey Island with the Clarks, a fabulous week in Palm Springs with Joel and Cheryl and the kids, and many beautiful Seattle days this summer and fall.
Year In Review photo album
  • Click on the graphic below to view our slideshow. 
  • Once you're in,
  • Click on any individual photo to see it bigger
  • Click the arrows at the bottom of the screen to move forward and back
  • Warning: there's cheesy music! (in case you're looking at this at work.  In which case... naughty!)

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