Sunday, June 14, 2009

CJ turns 6!

CJ turned six on Friday! His school has a very special... and drawn out... birthday celebration. Part of this involves reenacting each year of life whilst going around the table.

Here's CJ's impression of himself at 1...

And here's how he acted at 3.

I got all weepy at the children's singing of "happy birthday, happy birthday, we love youuuu".

It's moving, ok?!

Thursday night the teachers had all the kids at school for a sleepover. Yes they're crazy and that's why we love them. CJ was sooo excited and he even slept a couple of hours!

Friday he couldn't wait to open his presents...

Friday afternoon Grandpa & Nana showed up and it's a good thing because Saturday in the wee hours of the morning I woke up vomiting. Yuck.

Saturday CJ frolicked with some of his pals at the local pool while Jay took deep breaths and was reminded how helpful his wife can be. Fortunately he had Maureen and mom to help him out! I was totally bummed to miss the party.

And just like that, school is over... CJ is six... and summer has officially begun.

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