Sunday, September 26, 2010

35 days till Halloween and the monsters are getting hungry

Friday night CJ and I went to his school for Mother Son Bingo Night.

We won twice, which was once more than anyone else, so clearly newcomer' luck was at play. CJ's favorite part was when he got to call out the numbers.

In other news CJ is wondering HOW MANY DAYS TILL HALLOWEEN. 

Against my better judgment I let him buy the costume that he desperately desired and boy oh boy am I regretting it. CJ and Jay are convinced that it is incredibly brilliant and I hate the bloody thing. (I mean bloody in the literal AND the figurative sense)

When CJ was not wearing his bloody costume (only because I screamed ENOUGH! and put it on top of the fridge)... he decorated our porch, carved a pumpkin, and asked me 665 times Is it Halloween yet?

FYI. It's NOT. Halloween yet.

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