Saturday, September 22, 2007


It's official.

This is the summer that wasn't. According to the Seattle Times, we had 19 clear days. NINETEEN!!! Sure, this is Seattle and all, but still!

Nevertheless, we managed to have a pretty good time. Here are some photo highlights...

CJ & friend at Golden Gardens beach park.

CJ turns FOUR! How did this happen???

At the Seattle waterfront park on a CLEAR DAY! (that's one of NINETEEN, you'll remember...)

First fishing trip with Grandpa & Nana!

CJ proves to be an expert and single-handedly reels in 6 fish! Yes, it's true, he IS brilliant.

Jay lounges at the Oregon Coast (also there were Ed, Cheri, and Maureen). What's with all the wind?! I think this would be the perfect spot for a wind turbin.

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