Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Progress Report

Progress on the siding is slow but steady. As seems to be the case with these projects, it's taking way longer than any of us had anticipated. BUT YET it looks amazing and it is getting done!

Jason is terrified by how SLOWLY it goes!

These pictures are from yesterday...

The front of the house, sans siding...

Upon seeing this view for the first time, CJ asked, "They're painting it BLACK and BROWN??"

Lavern did an amazing job stripping off the old siding.

Even CJ helped!

And I was there too... (I won't comment on how helpful... or not... I was)

This is yesterday's progress. Today the siding was up to the grey trim line.

CJ and I are off to my grandmother's funeral in Plentywood, MT tomorrow... back on Sunday evening. Hopefully the house will be done when we return.


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