Saturday, September 22, 2007

auf Wiedersehen

Growing up, The Sound of Music was always one of my favorite movies. But the song where the Von Trapp children sing goodnight to the high-falutin' party guests had me stumped. See, it sounded sort of like this...

So long
oof wee splogerflatz
good night

Today I looked it up. Turns out it's AUF WIEDERSEHEN. Now why didn't I get that?!

Anyhow, we are saying AUF WIEDERSEHEN to the crappy, ugly, horrifying exterior of our otherwise charming house.


Jordan is showing up tomorrow, and he and Jason are going to spend a week replacing siding and otherwise beautifying our rather ugly abode.

Soon, it'll look like THIS:

Ok, well maybe not quite.

But it will DEFINITELY be better than peeling paint and rotting wood.

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