Thursday, September 27, 2007

DAY 5 of our re-siding adventure (read: What could we have been thinking?)

So it's the close of day 5 and we're still not done with wall #1 (of 4) in our week-or-so long project. Truth be told it's been significantly more complex than either Jordan or I ever imagined. Between a step down in the foundation to a learning curve for using Hardi-plank and a hundred other niggling little details, it's just taking a long, long time. But it looks really good! And after however long it ends up taking it'll look like a new house.

The good news is tomorrow before noon we should be moving on to wall #2 and help is on the way. Dad came back earlier today, Mom will be down tomorrow morning to pitch in whatever way she can and Joel is going to spend Saturday with us--in spite of dozens of home improvement projects of his own.

With all of my immediate family in town and some of the worst of the new job wrinkles ironed out, I'm cautiously optimistic that come Sunday night wall #2 will also be complete. Jordan is here until Wednesday to continue the other walls and it's looking like some autumn weekends will be spent caulking and painting trim. Whee!

I'll post more pics as soon as I have any.


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